
29 March 2022

Announcing our Discovery Phase

We want to learn from you what you think of the current state of volunteering in Australia, what is going well and what needs to change. This stage is all about building the foundations on which the National Strategy for Volunteering will be built. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to have your say over the coming months, including more open consultation sessions, which are yet to be scheduled, and different types of workshops to develop the various parts of the National Strategy. Learn more about the co-design process.

24 February 2022

National Strategy for Volunteering Website and Brand Launched

We are delighted to announce that the National Strategy for Volunteering website is live! The website will be our virtual meeting place over the next eight months as we co-design Australia’s first National Strategy for Volunteering in ten years. On the website you’ll find everything you need to know about how you can lend your voice to this historic opportunity to reimagine volunteering in Australia. You’ll be able to read project updates, get to know some of the faces lending their expertise to our Working Groups, and register for consultations, focus groups, and share your volunteering stories.

The National Strategy brand uses warm and bright colours to foster a sense of inclusion and invite people from all walks of life to have their say. The map of Australia represents our plan to be in every state and territory to hear first-hand about people’s experiences of volunteering and their vision for the future. Finally, the use of the stylised ‘V’ which is the international symbol for volunteering is at the brand’s centre and represents the rich history of volunteering in Australia. The change from red to white symbolises our journey to reimagine an effective, inclusive, and sustainable future for volunteering in Australia.

24 February 2022

Volunteering in Australia Research Partners Announced

We are delighted to announce we have selected research partners for the Volunteering in Australia research. The research will be undertaken by a consortium of academics from the Australian National University Centre for Social Research and Methods, Curtin University, Griffith University and the University of Western Australia. More information on how you can participate in this landmark research on volunteering demographics and trends will be available in the coming months.

28 January 2022

Volunteer Management and Corporate Volunteering Working Groups

Expressions of Interest for the Volunteer Management and Corporate Volunteering Working Groups are currently under consideration. These Working Groups will play a pivotal role in ensuring the National Strategy for Volunteering is underpinned by an understanding of best-practice volunteer involvement.

These Working Groups will comprise of volunteering professionals and representatives from Australian companies/businesses with employee volunteering programs. Working Group Members will be appointed in March and will meet for the duration of the project.

22 December 2021

Volunteering in Australia Research Brief

The aim of the Volunteering in Australia research is to build a robust evidence-base to inform the National Strategy for Volunteering. This will require research into the state of contemporary volunteering and analysis of trends in volunteering.

The Volunteering in Australia research is a similar exercise to existing State of Volunteering research, providing a baseline of information on volunteering and how it is changing over time. It is envisaged the research will be a combination of analysis of existing data and new data collection and could provide a framework for an annual research report.

25 November 2021

Research Working Group

A Research Working Group has been established to provide expert advice to the Volunteering in Australia research and to ensure the National Strategy for Volunteering is underpinned by a robust evidence base. Get to know the Research Working Group Members.

24 November 2021

National Strategy for Volunteering Council

An independent National Strategy for Volunteering Council has been established to provide strategic oversight to the National Strategy project. The role of the Council is to ensure the National Strategy is developed to a high standard and the project meets its objectives. Council representatives have been engaged from across the volunteering ecosystem and will contribute their expertise to the project over the coming year. Get to know the Council Members.

1 November 2021

Help us reimagine the future for volunteering

Volunteering Australia is embarking on an exciting journey to lead the development of a National Strategy for Volunteering, and we need your help! The National Strategy will be designed and owned by the volunteering ecosystem and will provide a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia.

This will be Australia’s first National Strategy for Volunteering in ten years. Throughout 2022, we will be engaging with all members of the volunteering ecosystem to design a National Strategy that is effective, inclusive and sustainable. Your input is needed to make this project a success.