Following a rigorous and inspiring 12-month co-design journey Australia has a new shared agenda for a reimagined future for volunteering. The National Strategy for Volunteering, co-created by stakeholders from across the volunteering ecosystem, provides a blueprint for the next ten years that will enable volunteering in Australia to thrive.

“The National Strategy for Volunteering was designed and will be owned by all of us. It presents our collective vision for a future where volunteering is at the heart of Australian communities.”

Thousands of stakeholders participated in online consultations, interviews, participatory design workshops, working groups, surveys, and a bespoke research project to build the National Strategy for Volunteering. The culmination of this process identified a unifying vision, three focus areas and aims, and eleven strategic objectives.

The National Strategy for Volunteering was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services, led by Volunteering Australia, and co-designed by the entire volunteering ecosystem.

“Together, we imagined a powerful future for volunteering. Now we need to work together to make that future a reality.”

Exploring the National Strategy for Volunteering

On Wednesday 5 April almost 300 people attended a webinar hosted by Volunteering Australia, Exploring the National Strategy for Volunteering. After the launch of Australia’s first National Strategy for Volunteering in a decade, the webinar explored the National Strategy in more detail. Including:

  • The Vision
  • The Aims
  • The Strategic Objectives
  • How you can use the National Strategy in your work
  • What’s next?

The presentation was followed by Q&A.

If you were unable to attend, you can access the presentation slides and event recording below.