Volunteering Australia led the development of a National Strategy for Volunteering, which is owned by the volunteering ecosystem and provides a blueprint for a reimagined future for volunteering in Australia.
January 2022

Project Establishment
We set the project up for success from the start with a robust governance framework. Through January, we appointed the first working groups and developed the stakeholder engagement plan.
February 2022

Volunteering in Australia Research Begins
The Volunteering in Australia research gathers information to paint an accurate picture of what volunteering looks like in Australia. The research captures the perspectives of volunteers and organisations. This ensures that the National Strategy for Volunteering is informed by robust and up to date evidence.
April 2022

Stakeholder Engagement Starts
Comprehensive stakeholder engagement is the most important part of this project. The National Strategy for Volunteering reflects the diversity of volunteering across Australia, so it’s important to hear from as many voices as possible.
February 2023

National Strategy for Volunteering Launched
The final National Strategy for Volunteering, built by everyone in the Australian volunteering community, was launched at the 2023 National Volunteering Conference.
July 2023

Establishment Phase Commences
The first year of the National Strategy for Volunteering – the Establishment Phase – draws people together to embed the Strategy and ensure its progress into the future.
August 2024

First Three-Year Action Plan
Following the Establishment Phase, the National Strategy for Volunteering moves into its first Three-Year Action Plan. This Action Plan will support volunteers and groups to find their role as we place volunteering at the heart of Australian communities.