Action Plan Co-Design Workshop

Earlier this year, we hosted six workshops to help develop actions for the National Strategy for Volunteering’s first Three-Year Action Plan. People from all areas of volunteering attended and submitted hundreds of ideas which will go on to inform the Action Plan document.

Didn’t get a chance to share your thoughts? We want to hear from you! Please use the form below to note actions that you would like to see or participate in for any of the National Strategy’s Strategic Objectives.

Action Plan Co-Design

What actions would you like to see in the upcoming Three-Year Action Plan?

1Focus Area 1: Individual Potential and the Volunteer Experience
2Focus Area 2: Community and Social Impact
3Focus Area 3: Conditions for Volunteering to Thrive
4Other comments
A good volunteer experience is paramount to achieving individual and collective goals. Providing volunteers with the opportunity to satisfy their motivations and aspirations, ensuring their time is used efficiently, and communicating how their involvement makes a difference will promote positive outcomes and improve retention.
Participating in volunteering should be an easy choice where everyone feels welcome to come as they are and contribute their time, skills, and passion to activities and causes they care about. Access should not be mistaken for ability and volunteering should take place in environments where people feel culturally and psychologically safe and included.

Volunteering should be safe and ethical. Appropriate supports are required to ensure that volunteers are protected. Volunteering should not be exploited as ‘free labour’, used to replace paid workers or compensate for shortages in the paid workforce, or be wholly responsible for delivering public services.